Ph.D. Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
B.A. Economics with Highest Honors, Swarthmore College
As the Wind Blows: The Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution on Mortality. Accepted, Journal of the European Economic Association.
School Meal Quality and Academic Performance. 2018. Journal of Public Economics. 168: 81-93. (Joint with Justin Gallagher and Elizabeth Ramirez Ritchie)
How to Beat the Traffic. 2017. Science. 357(6346): pp. 36-37.
The Benefits of College Athletic Success: An Application of the Propensity Score Design with Instrumental Variables. 2017. Review of Economics and Statistics. 99(1): pp. 119-134.
Learning to Manage and Managing to Learn: The Effects of Student Leadership Service. 2017. Management Science. 63(10): pp. 3246-3261. (Joint with Fangwen Lu)
Peer Effects in Microenvironments: The Benefits of Homogeneous Classroom Groups . 2015. Journal of Labor Economics. 33 (1): pp. 91-122. (Joint with Fangwen Lu, Renmin University)
Subways, Strikes, and Slowdowns: The Impacts of Public Transit on Highway Congestion. 2014. American Economic Review.104(9): pp. 2763-2796.
Pounds That Kill: The External Costs of Vehicle Weight. 2014. Review of Economic Studies. 81(2): pp. 535–571. (Joint with Max Auffhammer, UC Berkeley)
The Effect of Health Insurance on Emergency Department Visits: Evidence from an Age-Based Eligibility Threshold. 2014. Review of Economics and Statistics. 96(1): pp. 189–195. (Joint with Carlos Dobkin, UC Santa Cruz, and Tal Gross, Columbia University)
Learning from the Crowd: Regression Discontinuity Estimates of the Effects of an Online Review Database. 2012. Economic Journal. 122(563): pp. 957–989. (Joint with Jeremy Magruder, UC Berkeley)
The Effects of Promotions on Heart Disease: Evidence from Whitehall. 2012. Economic Journal. 122(561): pp. 555-589. (Joint with Sir Michael Marmot, UCL)
The Effect of Health Insurance Coverage on the Use of Medical Services. 2012. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 4(1): pp. 1–27. (Joint with Carlos Dobkin, UCSC, and Tal Gross, Columbia University)
Are Restaurants Really Supersizing America? 2011. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 3(1): pp. 152–188. (Joint with David Matsa, Northwestern)
Multiple Inference and Gender Differences in the Effects of Early Intervention: A Reevaluation of the Abecedarian, Perry Preschool, and Early
Training Projects. 2008. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 103(484): pp. 1481-1495.
Safety For Whom? The Effects of Light Trucks on Traffic Fatalities. 2008. Journal of Health Economics. 27(4): pp. 973-989.